Training Concept and Training/Informational Materials Developed for the Parliamentary By-Elections 2018
The Training Center has developed training concept for training of district and precinct election commissions members (DECs and PECs) for the parliamentary by-elections scheduled at N 54 majoritarian election district on April 28, 2018. The concept contains information about the stages and methodology for training the Election Administration members.
According to the concept (available in Georgian), training for DEC members will be conducted in two stages, while PEC members’ trainings carried out in four stages. The concept also envisages additional trainings for replaced (new) members of PECs.
Trainings schedule will be gradually posted on the Training Center website.
To support retraining of members of election commissions and their effective work, the Training Center has produced relevant training and informational aids:
- Guide for DEC members (GEO)
- Guide for PEC members (GEO)
- Instruction booklet PEC chairs (GEO)
- Powers of PEC Secretaries on the polling day (GEO)
- Functions of a commission member in charge of organizing the flow of voters (GEO)
- Functions of a commission member in charge of voters’ registration (GEO)
- Functions of a commission member in charge of overseeing polling box and special envelopes (GEO)
- Functions of a commission member in charge of carrying a mobile ballot box (GEO)
- An instruction booklet for voters – poster describing polling procedures (GEO)
- Training module for PEC members – electoral safety (GEO)
- Policy of supporting PWD voters by the Election Administration (GEO)
- Photo and video shooting at election precincts (GEO)