Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Training for the Members of District Election Commissions has Ended

From February 19 through March 8 the Training Center conducted a new training program “Developing Professional Skills of Trainers” for members of district election commissions. The training aimed at supporting institutional strengthening of the Election Administration..

The Training was oriented at practical teaching and the participants focused on the following key topics:

  • training planning and structure;
  • training program design;
  • training delivery methodology;
  • summarizing training/assessment mechanism;
  • technique for designing and using a trainer’s manual/guide;
  • trainer’s professional and general skills;
  • Presentation skills.

Trainings were delivered in 3 stages to 6 teams comprised of members of district election commissions and CEC regional coordinators. Trained Election Administration officers, subsequently, in cooperation with the Training Center, will ensure implementation of various projects planned for civic electoral education for 2018.

In total 108 officers took the training, among them women – 49; men – 59.