Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Statistics of Attendance of Trainings for PEC Members

According to the developed trainings concept, from October 25 through October 27, trainings for headofficials of precinct election commissions were held for October 8, 2016 Run-off Elections for the Parliament of Georgia, and a mayor for self-governing city – Akhaltsikhe and chief executives of several municipalities. The training covered the following key modules:

  • activities of precinct election commission during the period up to the polling day (general list of voters, special list and the rule of forming a list for mobile ballot box);
  • activities of precinct election commissions on the polling day (opening a polling station and procedures to be performed prior to polling, the polling process, policy for supporting the participation of voters with disabilities, closing a polling station, summarizing polling results);
  • polling day applications/complaints;
  • Electoral security.

Follow the link (in Georgian) to see attendance statistics for the trainings of leaders of precinct election commissions (2229 precinct election commissions).