Statistic of Attandance of PEC Members at Additional Trainings
During September 27-29, 2016, additional trainings were held for replacement (new) members of precinct election commissions as well as the members who had been unable to attend the scheduled trainings.
The participants were trained around the following key training modules:
- Activities of precinct election commissions during the period prior to voting (general list of voters, special list and the rule of forming a mobile ballot box);
- activities of precinct election commissions on polling day (opening polling stations and procedures to be performed prior to polling, the polling process, closing polling stations, summarizing polling results);
- training module for the members of precinct election commission around the rules of conduct with voters with disabilities and observing the standards of conduct;
- polling day applications/complaints;
- conflicts management.
Additional trainings for members of precinct election commissions, attendance statistics.