Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Trainings of Members of Precinct Election Commissions Established in Exeptional Case Have Been Launched

From October 2 through October 4, 2016, trainings for the members of precinct election commissions established in exceptional cases will be implemented. The training envisages all members of precinct election commissions around the following key training modules:

  • activities of precinct election commissions during the period up to the polling day (special list and the rule of forming a list for mobile ballot box);
  • activities of precinct election commissions on the voting day (opening a polling station and procedures to be performed prior to polling, the voting process, closing a polling station);
  • applications/complaints on the polling day;
  • Conflicts management.

To facilitate the enhancement of procedural knowledge of members of the Electoral Administration, the training will be delivered using a hybrid methodology. Among other activities, training participants will perform episodic staging of the polling day (the exercise of distribution of functions based on the cast of lots, and performing the functions of registrar), that will ensure the development of their practical skills. The rule of work of members of precinct election commissions and polling day procedures will also be covered at the training, in the format of the training film.

Schedule is available in Georgian. Any amendments will be immediately reflected in the schedule.