Training of Members of the Special Team Formed for Ensuring Parliamentary Elections of Georgia at the Armed Forces of Georgia Stationed Abroad
On September 29, 2016, the Training Center conducted the training for the members of the special group. The trained individuals, to ensure exercising of universal suffrage of the citizens of Georgia serving at peacekeeping battalions of the armed forces of Georgia stationed in Afghanistan, will ensure preparation for and holding Parliament of Georgia October 8, 2016 proportional elections at Bagram and Mazari-Sharif election precincts.
The following main training modules were covered at the training:
- activities of precinct election commissions during the period until the polling day (setting up polling station, rule of keeping electoral documentation)
- activities of precinct election commissions on the polling day (opening polling station and procedures to be performed prior to polling, the voting process, closing polling station, sealing electoral documentation)
- regulations of photo/video shooting of the polling process
The training was held using a combined methodology; for the development of practical skills of participants, they performed episodic staging of the polling day.
Members of the special group will hold voting on October 5, 2016, pursuant to the CEC Order N425/2016.