Launching the 2nd stage of trainings of members of district election commissions for the Parliament of Georgia October 8, 2016 Elections
According to the training concept developed for the Parliament of Georgia October 8, 2016 Elections, the second stage of trainings of members of district election commissions will be launched from September 17. Among others, the training topics will include training of full composition of district election commissions and activities of precinct election commissions on the polling day, among them:
- opening polling stations and procedures prior to polling;
- the voting process;
- closing the polling station, summarizing polling results.
In the format of training, commission members will receive instructions about episodic staging of the polling day at election precincts (episodic staging envisages practical exercise of procedures to be performed from 7:00 am on the polling day until 8:00 pm, and drawing a summary protocol on voting results).
Second stage of the trainings will end on September 27, 949 members of 73 district election commissions will take the training course.
Schedule of trainings is available in Georgian.