Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Training of Trainers on Increasing Participation of People with Disabilities

The CEC and the IFES organized the training course for professional development of CEC representatives and the Training Center trainers.

Rebecca Aaberg, IFES expert, delivered the two-day training. The course focused on such important matters as: terms related to elections, overview of practical guide for the participation of PWDs in elections, rights of PWDs and relevant etiquette, legislative framework: inclusiveness on the Election Day, role-playing Election Day, respecting etiquette and the norms of conduct in relation to PWDs at polling stations.

Trained trainers will train members of precinct election commissions on the above-mentioned topics, for the Parliament of Georgia October 8, 2016 Elections.

The training at the CEC was held on August 8-9.