Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Presentation of New Informational-Learning Projects of the CEC and the Training Center

The Central Election Commission (CEC) of Georgia and the Center for Electoral Systems Developments, Reforms and Trainings (the Training Center) held the presentation on new informational-learning project. The projects are being implemented within the program “Society and Elections”.  

“Elections and Young Voter” and “Course for Electoral Administrator” are the new informational-learning projects, which aim at developing electoral culture and ensuring civic engagement in public-political life.

At the first stage, “Elections and Young Voter”, within the pilot format, will be implemented for the final grade students of 75 public schools in 14 regions, densely populated with ethnic minorities and 8 mountainous regions.  The main goal of the project is to raise awareness and civic responsibility among the youth.

“Course for Electoral Administrator” entails acquiring knowledge on voting procedures. The course contributes to the development of qualified human resources, which will support to recruit professional staff by the election administration and the electoral stakeholders.  The project, within the pilot format, will be implemented in 4 regions populated with ethnic minorities.

Representatives of local and international organizations, as well as political party representatives attended the presentation, held today at the Hotel Ambasadori.