Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

The Central Election Commission of Georgia and Training Center Presented Interim Report 2015

On October 28, the Election Administration presented interim report of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Georgia and its Training Center to the society.

The report covers activities of the CEC implemented during six months, including: civic and voter education programs; supporting civic engagement; ensuring inclusive, equal and gender-balanced electoral environment; participating in the process of improving legal framework; activities implemented for ensuring human resources development and improving infrastructure; pilot project for the youth “Electoral Development Schools 2015”- this is an incomplete list of the activities carried out during January 1 – July 1, 2015.

Activities defined in the interim report are based on the priorities envisaged in election administration Strategic Plan 2015-2019, which defines four strategic pillars: Institutional Strengthening, Civic and Voter Education, Improvement Electoral Environment and Electoral Operations.

Representatives of local and international organizations, as well as political parties and media also attended the event.

Interim report on the activities of The Central Election Commission and the Training Center