Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Distant Training Program for Stakeholders

For the 2015 Interim Elections of the Parliament of Georgia and Sakrebulo, local self-government representative body, the Training Center has developed the Distant Training Program that enables users to receive comprehensive information about polling day procedures and the rule of functioning of precinct election commissions, while the testing bloc integrated in the program creates an additional vehicle for verifying knowledge related to electoral matters.

The distant training program is aimed at supporting raising electoral awareness and is available to any stakeholder. For ensuring access to the mentioned program, relevant information was sent to registered electoral entities registered for the 2015 interim elections and NGOs registered with the observer organization status.

Follow the link to view the program

The CEC and the Training Center regularly hold various training and awareness raising activities for electoral stakeholders.