Cooperaton with the Training Centers of Election Administrations of other Countries
On March 11-13, 2015, the meeting with the representatives of training centers of election administrations of various countries was held in Prague, Czechia. The meeting was organized by the Regional Office of the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES). Specifically, the representatives of the Central Election Commisison of Georgia Traning Center, of the training centers of Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Moldova election administraitons and those of international NGOs took part in the event.
During the meeting the representatives of the delegations of Georgia and other countries shared their experience in working in the elections field, discussed the importance of the holding training programs aimed increasing electoral awareness, discussed existing challenges and practical solutions in this direction. Furthermoe, possibilities for supporting the development of cooperation among training agencies were identified.
Natia Zaalishvili, Director of the CEC of Georgia Training Center, made a presentation about key aspects of the Training Center operation and provided to the attendee delegation members detailed information about the mission and activities of the Training Center, during elections as well as non-elections period. Ms. Zaalishvili also spoke about educational programs, training methodologies and the resources developed by the Training Center for promoting raising election related awareness of voters and other stakeholders engaged in elections.
The invited IFES experts, together with the meeting participants, also conducted in-depth review of vairous issues related to monitoring and evaluation of the training programs, including M&E concepts; as well as the Kirkpatrick model for training program evaluation, the matters of designing a monitoring plan and establishing indicators; collection of quantitative and qualititative data, M&E report, etc.