Information on trainings of the members of the PEC for 2013 Presidential Elections
Under the auspices of the Central Election Commission of Georgia, in cooperation with the Center of Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings and the UNDP project “Credible and Sustainable Electoral Institutions and Processes” 112 trainers were selected which will provide educational programs in the field of election legislation for the members of precinct and district election commission.
Training program includes updates of the election legislation and issues of the PEC. Trainings of the members of the DEC will be carried out from September 13 to October 24, 2013.
Training will be held in three stages:
I stage – September 13-22 (13 members of the PEC)
- Composition and working regimen of PEC
- Authorities of the management of PEC
- Activities of Precinct Election Commission during pre-election period
- Lists of voters
Method of training
- E-learning
- Practical training – simulating of the first session of the PEC, Role plays.
II stage – October 3-14 (13 members of the PEC)
- Activities of Precinct Election Commission on polling day
- Application/complaints of polling day
Method of training
- E-learning
- Screening of the film “Polling day procedures”
October 17-23 – III stage (Chairman of the PEC, Deputy Chairman, Commission secretary)
- Activities of Precinct Election Commission on polling day
- Authorities of the management of PEC
Method of Training:
Practical Training (exercise, tests, situational causes)
Additional information on trainings and schedules will be placed on the web-page of the Center, before the beginning each stage.