Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

On June 21, 2013, 18:00 o'clock, registration of the applicants for the certification exams of election administration officials was finished

On June 21, 2013, 18:00 o'clock, registration of the applicants for the certification exams of election administration officials was finished and number of registered applicants - 8198.

Certification exams of election administration officials will be held from July 1 to September 16 of 2013, inclusive.

Center of Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings shall host the exams.

Applicant should follow the date and time of the exam indicated in registration card and present ID card or the passport of the citizen of Georgia.

Duration of the exam is one hour.  30 tests will be selected automatically in random mode for each participant. Minimum passing level is 24 points, in which case applicant will receive the certificate immediately.

For exam observations, seven NGOs with 63 observers were registered:

" Democracy Network"

"Choice of the Future"

"European Democratic Center"

"Civil Initiative - Fair elections"

"New Generation - Democratic elections"

"Society for democracy and Judicial Development"