Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

The Training Centre Held Another Informational Meeting on Technological Innovations For Representatives of Local Observing Organizations and Election Subjects

Within the framework of the strategy to ensure the integrity of the elections, the CEC and the Training Centre continue the informational-study project with the involved parties in the direction of introducing technological innovations.

In the format of the open communication platform, the next meeting was held on September 17, 2024, in a remote format. The Training Centre invited representatives of political parties and local observer organizations registered for the elections of the Parliament of Georgia to participate in it.

In the opening part of the event, CEC Deputy Chairman Giorgi Sharabidze and the Training Centre Director Natia Zaalishvili welcomed the participants. They focused on the importance of informational program offered to promote a correct, uniform perception of election news, which, in turn, serves to strengthen cooperation based on professionalism between the Election Administration and the stakeholders, to ensure the holding of elections in accordance with international standards through joint efforts.

Considering the task of informing the stakeholdres on election novelties, the Training Centre discussed the following important issues with the participants of the meeting: international standards for conducting elections using electronic devices; technological innovations and practical aspects of the polling process; guaranteeing the free expression of the voter's will; secrecy of choice and protection of voter's personal data at the polling station; inclusive electoral environment and relevant mechanisms; legal status of persons authorized to be at the polling station; services implemented for voters and stakeholders for the October 26, 2024 elections.

123 persons participated in the meeting, including 86 representatives of 11 political parties and 37 representatives of 8 local observing organizations. Representatives of the OSCE/ODIHR International Monitoring Mission attended the remote meeting.

It is important, that the event held on September 17 is the part of the continuous informational program for the stakeholders. In the previous period, on September 6, the trainers retrained by the CEC and the Training Centre held study-informational meetings, in all municipalities, in a face-to-face format, accompanied by the demonstration of the operation of electronic election machines, 597 representatives of political parties and 277 representatives of local monitoring organizations participated in it.