Information about Grant Competition
Aim of Grant Competition
LEPL Center for Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings announces grant competition from June 21, 2013:
Subject I: “Supporting Election Observation missions of NGOs”
Grant project must cover relevant educational and other ifnormational events aiming to improve and develop local NGOs or their representatives accomplishing observational mission in the elections.
Action plan eleaborated by the relevant NGO should be presented for 2013 presidential elections, action plan should cover the information about scales, methodology, target group(s), human and technical rsources of the organization of the NGO participating in election observation.
Applicant NGO is obliged to report to the LEPL Center for Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings on observation mission within 2013 presiudential election under the contractual term.
Additional requirements for the NGOs
Paritcipant NGOs should nee the following creiteria:
- Monitoring experience as an observer in one of the general elections during the last five years.
- Experience of the project accomplishment via partnership/financing of the international organizations (letter of recommendation from the partner international organization) and/or the experience of accomplishing the project financed by the LEPL Center for Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings.
Financing limits of grant project:
50 000 at most
From July 25, 2013 to November 25, 2013
Subject II – “Awareness of voters and growth of their involvement in elections in regions”
Grant project should meet aims/goals of competition and cover various kinds of events, including creative ones for supporting and developing of civil responsibility, improving of election awareness and education and accelerating of voter’s role in elections.
Target groups of project shall be revealed on the basis of tools elaborated in advance and may cover voters’ group in general or at least one of the target groups listed below:
- Young voters
- Voters with disabilities
- Ethnical groups
- Women
Additional requirements for the grant project:
For competition purposes, after announcing election date, nongovernmental organization accomplishing the project is obliged to amend project accomplishment schedule according to the decision of grant commission.
Financing limits of grant project:
30 000 at most
From July 25, 2013 to October 15, 2013
Who can participate:
Any local noncommercial (nonprofit) legal entities (hereinafter referred to as nongovernmental organization) registered pursuant to the legislation of Georgia at the moment of competition announcement.
Nongovernmental organization must present the following documentation for participation in grant competition:
a) Application to participate in the competition (according to Annex #1 Available in Georgian);
b) Grant project description and justification (According to Annex #2 Available in Georgian);
c) A detailed project budget (according to Annex #3 Available in Georgian);
d) One –page project resume;
e) Exctract from the Registry of Entrepreneurial and nonentrepreuniral (noncommercial) legal entities and incorporational document according to the legislation (2013) and duly certified incorporation documents (charter, bylaws, etc);
f) Any other documentation better presenting submitted grant project.
Grant competition schedule:
- Competition announcement – June 21, 2013
- Competition documentation should be presented – June 24 – July 8, 2013
- Review of Projects – 18-19 July, 2013
- Competition results – 19 July, 2013
- Conclusion of the contracts – 23 July, 2013
Competition documentation should be presented via Written and e-form (CD) according to competition schedule, 10:00-17:00 (except weekends) address: 13th km of David Agmashenebeli Highway.
Note: Incomplete documentations shall not be reviewed.
Reviewing authority:
Competition commission reviews correspondence of grant projects with competition aims and requirements, without attending representatives of nongovernmental organizations presenting the projects.
Commission is authorized to request additional information on grant project from project presenting nongovernmental organization, which is obliged no later than 2 days to present relevant information to the Commission, in written form.
Competition commission shall estimate the grant projects according to the criteria (Available in Georgian) given in the annex.
Note: Participants will be notified about competition results via e-mail notification; information on selected project (s) shall be placed on official webpage of the Center -
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