Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Informational Meetings with Members of District Election Commissions

Centre for Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Training (Training Centre) held informational meetings with District Election Commissions (DEC) for the October 1, 2023 Extraordinary and By-Elections.

Integrating electronic technologies into the polling process is a complex issue - it requires the implementation of informational programs necessary to transform the behavior of voters, as well as the development of professional skills of service-providing election commissions. The meetings planned by the Training Centre with the election administrators provides introduction of the novelties proposed by the reform and effectively manage the electronic devices in the voting process.

Due to the mentioned purpose, on September 16, 2023, the Training Centre delivered an instruction for the DEC members (composed of members elected for a 5-year term and appointed by parties for the election period), within which the participants got acquainted in detail with the procedural innovations, the practical aspects of the functioning of special electronic devices for voter verification and vote counting in the election process, and other issues to be implemented within the mandate of the DEC, among them: coordination/communication with Precinct Election Commissions; verification/recounting of the polling results of the Precinct Election Commission; summarising of voting and election results by the District Election Commission.