Students Meet the Representatives of the Election Administration In the Framework of the Legal Clinic Program in the Field of Election Law
LEPL Centre for Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings (Training Centre) in cooperation with the higher educational institutions continues the Legal Clinic program in the field of election law.
The mentioned trainng platform is intended for undergraduate and graduate students of the Faculty of Law/Law School; it aims to promote the deepening of professional knowledge and civic awareness of youth in the election direction. Based on modern methodology, the program is intensified with practical training components, which is the basis for gradual study of theoretical materials and the development of habits of their independent use; in addition, for the purpose of sharing election experience, a cycle of meetings of students with field experts is provided.
In the Autumn semester of 2022, the students of Alte University and Ilia State University are taking part in the current election law program (available in Georgian) in the format of a Legal Clinic. On November 4, young people met with the representatives of the Election Administration in the CEC. In the opening part, the director of the Training Centre Natia Zaalishvili, introduced the main directions of the electoral reform to the students, at the next stage, Eka Tsabashvili, head of the Election Processes Management Department of the CEC, shared the experience of Election Administration with the participants on the issue of using technologies in elections.
For more visibility, students were directly involved in a voting simulation using voter verification and electronic vote counting machines.
The Legal Clinic program is implemented in the period of October-December 2022, at the last stage, the final assessment of students is provided.