Training Programs

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V Stage Training for the Members of Precinct Election Commissions is Launched for Parliamentary By-Elections

According to the training concept elaborated by the CEC Training Centre for April 2, 2022 Parliamentary By-Elections, V stage trainings will be launched from March 19, which is dedicated to the re-training of PECs’ full staff. 

Within the format of trainings, the PEC members will practically carry out the episodic staging of the polling day:

  • voting simulation;
  • simulation of data counting by voter registrars in the voters lists;
  • simulation of sorting/counting the ballot papers by counting officers;
  • simulation of election documentation sealing.

Training participants will also be introduced to regulations related to facilitating the participation of voters with disabilities in the voting process.

Trainers trained by the Training Centre will deliver PECs V stage trainings for the Parliamentary By-Elections through the period of March 19-21. Detailed schedule is available at the link (in Georgian). In case of any changes, the information will be reflected immediately.

PECs’ IV stage trainings for Parliamentary By-Elections were conducted through the period of March 16 - 17, 2022. 273 head officials of 117 PECs participated in it. detailed statistic is available at the link.

The training course will be held with a different schedule for Batumi Sakrebulo By-Elections, where the PEC members will be re-trained on the use of electronic technologies in the voting process. Training system includes four stages: I stage was held through the period of February 28 March 1 (target group: full staff of 14 PECs); II stage will take place on March 26 (target group: head officials of 14 PECs); III stage will be dedicated to the additional instruction of 14 PECs’ head officials and will hold on March 30. Detailed schedule will be published through the Training Centre webpage in stages.