II Stage Attendance Statistics of the Trainings of PEC Members for the April 2, 2022 Parliamentary By-Elections
Title: trainings of PEC members (II stage)
Goal: to increase the efficiency of the working process of the election commission, ensuring a safe election environment in the pandemic, provide qualified services to the parties involved and to the electorate, ensuring an inclusive election environment
Target group: PEC members elected by the N20 Rustavi DEC and N21 Gardabani DEC (except for election commission head officials, for which profile training is provided at the following stages).
Implementation period: March 10 - 11, 2022
Training venue: operational territory of N20 Rustavi and N21 Gardabani districts
Participants’ statistics:
II Stage Attendance Statistics of the Trainings of PEC Members for Parliamentary By-Elections
- Number of persons to be attended – 584
- Number of attendees - 326 (56%)