Training Programs

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Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Training Of Election Administration Trainers Is Launched For The April 2 By-Elections

The Central Election Commission and the Training Center have launched the training for Election Administration trainers for the April 2 By-elections. After the training course, the trainers will conduct intensive training programs on electoral legislation for the precinct election commission members. 

Giorgi Kalandarishvili, the CEC Chairperson and Natia Zaalishvili, Director of the CEC Training Center made opening remarks at the ToT. Giorgi Kalandarishvili emphasized the participants’ role in professionally administering elections. The CEC Chairperson also talked about the importance of the training for PEC members. 

“We respond to the recommendations and findings of local and international observer organizations which are related to the raising qualification for subordinate election commissions and administering the E-day on a professional level. This is a reason the ToT is being launched and the trained trainers will further ensure raising qualification for the subordinate commissions. They will intensively work with them during a month to suggest voters a professionally administered elections” – stated Giorgi Kalandarishvili. 

Director of the CEC Training Center detailed meeting participants about the concept elaborated for PEC members. According to the new concept, the training for PEC members will be held in 7 stages; the training course will be held with a different program in Batumi, namely the PEC members will be additionally trained on the use of electronic technologies in the voting process. 

“To facilitate the qualified conduct of activities, relevant training courses will be held for the PEC members. The Training Center prepared the training program, guidelines, and instructions for the PEC members. Trained trainers will conduct the mentioned training” – stated Natia Zaalishvili. 

ToT has been launched today. A three-day course will be held for 25 trainers. 

Procedural training for the PEC members will be conducted from February 28 to March 28. PEC members will be provided with detailed instructions about the activities to be implemented before and on E-day. The training process will focus on the training component of the practical methodology (mock elections of the E-day process are provided, including drawing up summary protocols). 

Training program focused on raising qualification for the PEC members aims at improving relevant services for voters and electoral stakeholders, ensuring an inclusive election environment, and promoting safe polling amid pandemic.