Trainings of PEC members for Implementing Pilot Project Using Electronic Technologies in N4 Krtsanisi Electoral District, is being launched
In accordance with the pilot project for October 2, 2021 Municipal Elections, several electoral procedures in N4 Krtsanisi electoral district will be implemented using electronic technologies. In this regard, the relevant PEC members will undergo specialised trainings, in accordance with the training concept elaborated by the Training Centre.
The trainers, trained by the Training Centre, will implement the educational program for the relevant PEC members during the period of 14-27 September, 2021. The working meeting with trainers was held on Septembers 13; Dimitri Javakhadze, the member of the CEC, discussed procedural amendments adopted by the CEC for the pilot project; Natia Zaalishvili, the Training Centre Director provided the meeting participants with the information regarding main aspects and the system of the training program intended for PEC members trainings, within which the PECs head officials will undergo two stages of trainings and one particular stage will be intended for the full composition of the PEC.
Based on practical learning, the PEC members will get introduced to the operation rules of vote-counting machine and activities to be implemented on polling day. The representatives of “Smartmatic” Co., who will equip the polling stations in N4 Krtsanisi electoral district with vote-counting machines, will also engage in the training process.
Relevant guidelines (available in Georgian) for the pilot project, elaborated by the Training Centre, will be handed to the PEC members. In order to inform voters on the pilot project, informational posters, designed by the CEC and the Training Centre, will be posted on the polling stations, showing the polling process while using technologies.
The trainings will be conducted in regard with all recommendations related to the pandemic. For the detailed schedule visit the following link (available in Georgian). All of the updates to the schedule will be published immediately.