Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Preparation Works for Implementing Pilot Project Using Electronic Technologies in N4 Krtsanisi Electoral District

In accordance with the pilot project (available in Georgian) for October 2, 2021 Municipal Elections, several electoral procedures in N4 Krtsanisi electoral district will be implemented using electronic technologies. The polling stations throughout the district will be equipped with the special vote-counting machines, provided by “Smartmatic” Co.

The CEC and the Training Centre conducted informational meeting in order to inform the members of N4 Krtsanisi District Election Commission on the issues related to voting and vote-counting procedures while using technologies.

The representative of “Smartmatic” Co., within his presentation, introduced the meeting participants to the operational rules of vote-counting special machines, and to the procedural amendments related to the pilot project.

Furthermore, in order to ensure the delivery of relevant service to the voters, the members of PECs within the N4 Krtsanisi Electoral District will undergo the special training related to using technologies during the polling process.  The training will be implemented during September 14-27, 2021 in accordance with the training program developed by the Training Centre. The schedule of the trainings will be published on our web-site.