Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Training for the Members of Precinct Election Commissions is Underway (II Stage)

The CEC Training Center continues trainings for the members of Precinct Election Commissions for October 2, 2021 Municipal Elections.

In accordance with the training concept of PEC members, II stage is dedicated to the re-training of PEC members elected by District Election Commissions (except for election commission head officials, for which profile training is provided at the following stages).

As part of the intensive training program, participants will receive information on the following key issues within their competence:

  • performing the functions assigned by casting of lots to the members of the PEC on the polling day, in order to provide services for voters during the voting process in compliance with the epidemiological protocol (taking into consideration the training target group, in accordance with the legislative innovations, the focus will be on the function of voter registrar)
  • overview of other functions assigned by casting of lots to PEC members on the polling day (flow regulator, ballot box supervisor, transporter of mobile ballot box)
  • vote counting process (including the grounds for invalidity of ballot papers; video recording of the vote counting process; obligations of the PEC members regarding the summary protocol of the voting results of PEC)

The training will be based on practical learning, it is provided to conduct episodic staging of polling process and perform other thematic exercises.

The training process is being held in compliance with all recommendations related to the pandemic. Rapid testing is provided for participants at the training venues.

The trainers re-trained by the Training Centre will provide II stage trainings through the period of September 4-6. The schedule is available at the link (available in Georgian). In case of any changes, the information will be reflected immediately.

I stage trainings for PEC members were conducted through the period of August 25 - September 2, 2021. 38 481 members of 3664 PECs participated in it. detailed statistic is available at the link.