Training Programs

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2019 Annual Report of the Election Administration and the CEC Training Center

The Central Election Commission (CEC) of Georgia prepared 2019 report of the activities implemented by the Election Administration of Georgia (EA) and the Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Training Centre (Training Center).

The report covers the activities carried out by the EA and the Training Center from January 1 until December 31, 2019.

In 2019, the Election Administration conducted By-elections of the Parliament of Georgia in one majoritarian constituency, extraordinary mayoral elections in five municipalities and Sakrebulo By-elections in 11 municipal municipalities.

It should be noted that in 2019 the capacity of the electronic registration program for extraordinary elections/ By-elections has been increased. At the same time, the next stage of the pilot project on electronic vote counting was successfully implemented using electronic election technologies in eight polling stations of two election districts.

The implemented reforms and modern methods of management supported the process of introducing a high standard of quality management system at the CEC of Georgia. In 2019, compliance with the requirements of the international standard of the management system was confirmed by the ISO 9001:2015 certificate. It should be noted that the CEC of Georgia is the first Election Administration among the Eastern Partnership countries, which obtained an international quality management standard in the field of election management.

In 2019, the CEC suggested to civil society organizations a new format of cooperation “Discuss Together”. It represents a new discussion platform that was created for the exchange of positions on election matters and dialogue.

In terms of promoting an inclusive electoral environment, in 2019, the EA received an international award for "introducing a tactile ballot guide for blind voters". The EA also received the certificate of appreciation for successful cooperation with people with disabilities and supporting their employment.

It should be noted, that with the full support of other countries’ election administrations in 2019 the EA of Georgia became the President of the Association of European Election Officials (ACEEEO) and will lead the organization in 2020 for one year term. 

The presentation of the 2019 report on the activities of the Election Administration of Georgia and the Training Center was scheduled in March of the current year. However, to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, the CEC conducted a number of preventive measures, annulled numerous public events, accordingly, the presentation of the report was also canceled.

Hereby, the CEC will send an electronic version of the report to the stakeholders. The report is available on the link. English translation of the report will be uploaded soon.