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Georgian Election Administration Delegation Observed Elections in Baku

Delegates of the Election Administration of Georgia observed the Early Parliamentary Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Within the frames of the official visit Giorgi Sharabidze, CEC Deputy Chairperson, Giorgi Javakhishvili, Commission Secretary, Giorgi Dzagania, Commission Member, Giorgi Kalandarishvili, Head of Human Resources Management Department and Natia Zaalishvili Director of the CEC Training Centre met with the Chairperson of the CEC Azerbiajan and received information on preparation process on parliamentary elections. On E-day, Georgian CEC representatives observed the opening of the polling stations, as well as the voting process. 

At the news briefing held at the Election Administration, Georgian delegation assessed the voting process, briefed the media and electoral stakeholders with their findings and recommendations. 

Early Parliamentary Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan was held on February 9.