Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

The Training on Legal Matters for DEC Leadership Has Concluded

At the initiative of the CEC and the Training Center, the training course Legal Writing and Administrative Proceedings on Electoral Disputes has been held for DEC leadership.

A combined method was used under the training, comprising electronic and practical training (including practical exercises and role plays) and envisaged the following topics:

  • Legal writing;
  • General overview of administrative proceedings;
  • Consideration of application/appeal and taking decision;
  • Prepare a decision with respect to administrative violations;
  • Managing emotions, difficult conversations and conflict situations.

The training project was implemented during the period of June 4-19, 2018. The training was delivered to 10 groups in 5 stages. The groups included DEC chairs, deputy chairs and secretaries, as well as the CEC regional coordinators and the Adjara Autonomous Republic Supreme Election Commission representatives. 224 participants took the training course, among them 109 female, 115 male.

The project was implemented in cooperation with IFES.