Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Training for the operators of the Central Election Commission Information/Call Centre (III Stage)

The Training Centre,  has finished the implementation of training courses supporting professional development of the CEC Information/Call Centre operators for October 21, 2017 Municipal Elections.

The Training Centre conducted III stage of trainings on October 18, 2017. The participants were introduced to the Election Day procedures, such as:

  • opening of polling stations and procedures prior to polling;
  • the voting process;
  • closing the polling station and procedures to be performed prior to the opening ballot box;
  • opening ballot box and summarizing polling results

The above-mentioned training course is aimed at enhancing the qualification of the CEC Information/Call Centre operators, to ensure that they provide exhaustive information around elections related matters to interested individuals.