Statistics for III Stage of PEC Members’ Trainings for October 21, 2017 Municipal Elections
In accordance with the Training Concept elaborated for October 21, 2017 Municipal Elections, 3rd stage of trainings were held during the period of September 5-11. Head officials of precinct election commissions (chair, deputy chair and commission secretary) were trained.
As a part of the trainings, participants were introduced to the following training modules:
- authorities of leadership of precinct election commissions (including working with electoral documentation, rule of drawing up a summarizing protocol);
- polling day applications/complaints;
- security of elections
To facilitate the enhancement of procedural knowledge of members of the electoral administration, the trainings were delivered using a hybrid methodology.
In total, 10035 head official of 3634 PECs participated in the training, among them, 2643 man, and 7392 women. For detailed statistics follow the link.