Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Statistics of Second Stage of Trainings of DECs Members for the October 21, 2017 Municipal Elections

In accordance with the training conception, elaborated for October 21, 2017 Municipal Elections, 2nd stage of the trainings for the DECs members were conducted from September 30 to October 11, 2017, which was devoted to the training of full composition of DECs. Activities of PECs on the polling day were discussed, among them: 

  • opening of polling stations and procedures prior to polling;
  • the voting process (among them, policy of promoting the engagement of persons with disabilities in the election process);
  • closing the polling station, summarizing polling results;
  • delivery of electoral documentation to DECs;
  • Security of elections.

In the format of training, commission members received instructions about conducting episodic staging of the polling day at election precincts, alongside with the EA trainers (episodic staging envisages practical exercise of procedures to be performed from 7:00 am on the polling day until 8:00 pm, and drawing up a summary protocol of voting results).

In total, 870 members of 73 DECs participated in the training, among them, man - 313  and women - 557. 

For detailed statistics follow the link (available in Georgian).