“Courses for Electoral Administrators” – 2017 Second Stage
Name of the project: training project “Courses for Electoral Administrators” second stage
Aim of the project: to raise civil awareness about election process, formation of qualified staff for Election Administration
Target group: 18 years old citizen of Georgia
Modules: Code of Ethics and main principles for Election Administration officials; PEC members’ activities before the Election Day; Election Day; Drafting of summarizing protocol of polling results; transparency of summarizing protocol
Period of implementation: August 7 - 17, 2017
Place of implementation: all municipalities of Georgia
Statistics: 3600 candidates registered, 3065 took the course. For detailed information follow the link (available in Georgian)
Additional information: http://electionreforms.ge/eng/list/show/2014-daitsko-registratsia-proeqtistvis-saarchevno-administratoris-kursebi