Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Teaching Course in the Format of Law Clinic - “Election Law of Georgia”- 2017

Name of the project:  Law clinic – teaching course “Election Law of Georgia”

Aim of the project: The teaching course is aimed at the enhancement of necessary professional knowledge of students in electoral law, development of their practical skills and raising civic awareness

Target group: students of law faculty/law school of partner high education institutions

Modules: elections concept; types of elections and periodicity; systems of elections, legal sources and principles of elections in Georgia; election process and electoral management body; powers of election administration of Georgia and work procedures; stakeholders; registration of voters, pre-election campaign (agitation); informational provision of pre-election campaign; financing of elections; polling time and place; opening of the polling station, procedures to be carried out before the polling starts; polling process; closing of the polling station, summarizing of polling results; summarizing/determination of polling and election results; election disputes; elections of the President of Georgia; elections of the Parliament of Georgia; elections of Supreme Council of Autonomous Republic of Adjara; elections of self-governing communities and self-governing cities – Sakrebulo; elections of Mayor of self-governing city (governor of self-governing community); referendum; plebiscite

Period of implementation: March 15 – June 15, 2017

Place of implementation: Tbilisi, Training Centre

Statistics: 25 students of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Sukhumi State University and Caucasus University pass the course, among them women – 17, men - 8

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