The Training for Leadership of District Election Commissions in Legal Matters
The Training Center and the CEC Legal Department have designed a new training program aimed at developing institutional capacity of the Election Administration. The program envisages trainings in legal issues for the leadership of district election commissions.
The Training will cover such topics as: administrative proceedings at district election commissions related to the consideration of applications/complaints on voting day, prepare decisions concerning administrative violations, uniform practice of applying disciplinary measures, etc.
The Training is based on practical training. Participants will also review OSCE ODIHR reports and recommendations in light of activities of district election commissions.
The Training Project will be implemented during June 15 through June 26, 2017. Training will be held in 4 stages for 7 groups comprised of chairs of district election commissions, secretaries, as well as representatives of the CEC Electoral Processes Management Department and regional coordinators.