Summarizing Meeting with the Regional Trainers of the Electoral Administration
On November 25-26, the CEC Training Center held a summarizing meeting with the regional trainers of the Electoral Administration at the Ambassadori Kachreti Hotel. Tamar Zhvania, CEC Chair, and Natia Zaalishvili, Training Center Director, opened the meeting. They emphasized the importance of training project implemented over the course of the Parliament of Georgia October 8, 2016 Elections.
Representative from IFES, a partner organization and 12 regional trainers of the Electoral Administration attended the event.
IFES representative stated that the training programs implemented over the course of elections had been effective; also underscored the importance of Election Security, a new training module developed based on the recommendation from IFES expert and in light of international practice.
The summarizing meeting, which was held in a workshop format, was focused on the assessment of training programs implemented by the CEC Training Center during the period of the Parliament of Georgia 2016 Elections, sharing practical experience and setting plans. Furthermore, the following topics were discussed: training of the pool of trainers, as well as the training system of district and precinct election commissions, training modules and material, effective communication and monitoring.