Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

CEC and Training Centre Representatives Observed Presidential Elections in Moldova

Representatives of the Election Administration (EA) observed presidential elections in the Republic of Moldova on October 30, 2016.

Marina Tsulukidze and Lili Abutidze, members of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Georgia, together with Zurab Luashvili, head of the Certification and Project Management Division at the CEC Training Center monitored the polling procedures at election precincts. The CEC and Training Centre representatives along with the delegations from EAs of foreign countries and observer organizations monitored the opening and closing of the election precincts and the vote counting procedures on E-day.

The CEC and Training Centre representatives also met with the officials of the CEC of Moldova and got acquainted with the preliminary results of the elections.