Training for Mass Media Representatives on Electoral Topics
A two-day training on electoral matters was held for the representatives of TV companies, print and internet media. The training was led by an IFES expert, representatives of the CEC Training Center, Legal Department and the Coordination, Planning and Reporting Department.
The role of mass media in electoral process, polling day and photo/video recording regulations, key schemes of covering elections and international experience in this field – these are the topics on which Maia Gudadze, representative of the Training Center, and Rusudan Rukhadze, IFES expert briefed mass media representatives. Journalists have also been briefed about electoral legislation updates, the use of administrative resources and those activities that the Electoral administration is implementing towards supporting the participation of voters with disabilities in the elections process and the improvement of services for them. Discussion was held.
Electoral Administration held numerous trainings for mass media representatives during the pre-election period, covering national as well as regional media.
The training was held on September 24-25 in Gudauri and it was implemented by the Electoral Administration with the IFES support.