Training Module “Election Security” for the members of precinct election commissions
Today, the Central Election Commission of Georgia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia (MIA) concluded the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) envisaging cooperation towards holding elections in a peaceful environment. Safe and peaceful electoral environment involves conditions enabling exercising constitutional right of voters without violence and pressure, and offers to electoral stakeholders environment for full-fledged performance of their activities.
As part of the cooperation, the CEC Training Center has developed a training module for the members of precinct election commissions. The training module contains the forms of effective communication between the Electoral Administration and law enforcement bodies towards election security, as well risk management and response measures to ensure smooth polling process.
The training module Election Security has been integrated in the 3rd stage of the training program for precinct election commission members. The training module is innovative; it has been designed by the Training Center based on the recommendations from IFES expert, and in line with international practices.