Training Programs

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Training of Trainers (TOT) of Election Administration Regarding Upcoming Parliamentary Elections 2016

The CEC Training Center carries out the training of trainers (TOT) of the Election Administration considering the concept of training for the Parliamentary Elections set on October 8th, 2016.

Giorgi Sharabidze, the CEC Deputy Chairperson and Natia Zaalishvili, the Director of the Training Center welcomed the participants of the training. Participants are getting acquainted with various important topics within the training course, developed and prepared by the CEC Training Center namely:

  • "Trainer’s guideline"- the principles of the trainer and the code of ethics, the presentation skills, audience control, time management, feedback and learning assessment mechanisms;
  • The concept of training of election commission members - the system of training and stages, the methodology of training, learning materials; the administration of the training;
  • The issues of the competence of District Election Commission;
  • The issues of the competence of Precinct Election Commission;
  • Voting process (including, inclusive politics regarding people with the disabilities);
  • Conflict management;
  • Complains/appeals on E-Day.

Upon completion of the preparatory course, trainers selected from the Election Administration database and based on the competition, along with the members of the District Election Commissions will ensure intensive training programs related to the elections' legislature for the members of the district and precinct election commissions. In addition, the participants will be introduced to the important issues related to the conflict management, Election Administration's inclusive politics towards voters with the special needs and the other activities to improve voter service.

The Central Elections Commission (CEC) and its Training Center carries out the training of trainers (TOT) of the Election Administration with the support of the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), in Kvareli, in the hotel “Kvareli’s Edemi", during the period of August 13-26.