Training Programs

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Seminar on Electoral Security Issues

On July 26, 2016 the seminar on electoral security issues was held at the Central Election Commission (CEC). Election Security issues have been discussed in accordance with the matters of electoral conflicts, tools to prevent throughout the electoral cycle and also ensure protection.  

The event, supported by the International Foundation of Electoral Systems (IFES) has been attended by the CEC Chairperson, members of CEC, heads of CEC Training center and CEC structural units, as well as IFES Chief of Party and the Deputy Chief of Party.

The seminar was led by Mr. Vasu Mohan, the Regional Director for Asia Pacific (IFES), leading expert in electoral security issues supervising various projects at the International Foundation of Electoral Systems since 2001.

Throughout the visit, Mr. Vasu Mohan, conducts the trainings on electoral security issues for the staff of Election Administration and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The participants of the two day trainings will share their gained knowledge with the representatives of their entities.