Training of trainers for PEC members of election administration
From April 15 – April 21 in Settlement Chakvi, Center together with UNDP will hold trainings for PEC members of election administration.
Trainings will be held in three stages. Each stage will contain three groups. Training facilitators will coordinate trainers.
Target group |
Date |
Training duration |
Place |
Number of participants |
Trainers |
15-17 April |
1,5 day |
Settlement Chakvi, Hotel “Oasis”
56 |
Trainers |
17-19 April |
1,5 day |
63 |
Trainers |
19-21 April |
1,5 day |
61 |
Trainings will be focused on improvement of trainer’s skills, introduction of training methodology and election code.
The following modules will be discussed at trainings:
managing; first meeting legal acts; voters’ lists; delivery-acceptance of election documentations and inventory; pre-voting procedures; voting procedures; special cases of voting process; voting via mobile ballot box; closing of election station; authorities of persons inside the election station; observers’ authorities; procedures before opening the ballot box; opening of ballot box; sorting of ballot papers, counting and reporting; exercise for reporting; binding, sealing and delivery of election documentations at DEC.
Trainers will be tested. In case of successful testing, chosen trainers will provide trainings for PECs regarding election issues.