Workshop on Implementation of Educational Program in Election Law Field in Higher Educational Institutions of Georgia
Under Memorandum of Understanding concluded in September 28 and December 2 of 2010, between CEC, Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings and Higher educational institutions II stage of trainings begin. Regarding the above said, in February 24, 2011, in Hotel “Sympathy”, Tbilisi, workshop was held with center facilitators, which will provide trainings in election law field for III-IV year law students in higher educational institutions of Tbilisi and regions, from II semester of 2010-2011.
Within this meeting, lecturers were informed about main directions of trainings and about modern methods elaborated by the Center, itself. Relevant training materials (theoretic and practical parts) were provided for them, for effectiveness of training course, including special presentations prepared for each contact day of training course.