Opening of law clinic
In September 28 of current year, at 12 o’clock, Central Election Commission, Center of Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings and eight Higher Educational institutions of Georgia signed the cooperation memorandum “About trainings in law field”.
Within the limits of the said memorandum, in November 16, 2010, law clinic was launched at CEC, which provides preparation of qualified lawyers in election legislation field.
Studies have three stages:
I stage:
Duration – 2 months;
Form of studies: practical course;
II Stage:
Duration – 1 month;
Form of studies: online learning;
III Stage:
Duration – 1 month;
Form of studies: internship in election administration.
This training course aims to introduce modern directions and methods of teaching, supports to students to learn and acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills regarding election legislation.
On this stage, BA and MA students of Caucasus School of Law, Caucasus University will pass studying course at Law Clinic. The same form of studying is planned in other higher educational institutions.
At Opening, Chairman of CEC- Zurab Kharatishvili, Natia Zaalishvili – Director of the Center greeted the students of Caucasus School of Law, who admitted that this type of course will support improvement of students’ qualification in election legislation field, based on which the relevant base of qualified lawyers will be launched.
At Law Clinic, Center representatives will conduct training program in law.
It is to be noted that, Law Clinic in the field of election law as innovation was created on mutual basis of Caucasus University and Center of Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings.