Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Awareness raising and training course Courses for Electoral Administrator have ended

On June 9, 2016, the implementation of awareness raising and training course Courses for Electoral Administrators have ended. The awareness raising and training course is aimed at raising civic awareness around electoral issues and contributes to developing qualified human resources within the electoral administration.

The Project was implemented in 22 municipalities across Georgia, among them, 11 ethnic minority municipalities. 804 participants were trained under the training course.

The training comprised such important issues as:

  • Procedures to be performed from the opening of a precinct to the start of polling
  • The polling process
  • Closing election precinct, summarizing polling results
  • Polling day applications/complaints

As part of practical training, training course participants viewed procedural training film – Polling Day Procedures, produced by the Training Center.

The Training Center trainers and members of district election commissions delivered the training course.

The CEC and the Training Center plan to carry out similar training course in the future, which will enable Election Administration to share own knowledge and experience with individuals interested in electoral processes; this will subsequently ensure the selection of professional cadre by the Election Administration and electoral stakeholders.