Meeting with the students of Caucasus School of Law
In October 17 of 2010, Central Election Commission, Center of Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings, presented Law Clinic for BA and MA students of Caucasus School of Law, Caucasus University. At presentation students introduced with the tasks and goals of law clinic activity.
At presentation, Natia Zaalishvili – Director of the Center and Davit Imnadze - Head of Professors’ Department in Private Law field greeted the students of Caucasus School of Law, who admitted that Clinic is innovation in election field and it was first created on common basis of Caucasus University and Election Administration.
Main Goal of project is to acquire theoretical and practical skills by the students of Caucasus School of Law, in the field of election legislation; this will support students to improve their knowledge in election law, based on which qualified law base will be created in election administration system.
Project includes introduction of new methods of teaching, including launching of online educational program for students.
Students of law clinic will pass one-month internship at election administration. Successful students will be given certificates and enrolled in qualified lawyers’ base of election administration system.